Get a statement of graduation
List of required materials
- Copy of diploma cover and transcript in Mongolian
- Official name of the place to send statement
Reception: Completed materials will be accepted in Citi University Building A, Room 202 from 09:00 to 17:00.
Disbursement: Will be issued within 1-2 hours upon receipt of materials.
Contact: 89088833
Email address:
Retake diploma and its transcript
In case of loss of diploma and transcript, the following documents shall be submitted.
These include:
Newspaper advertisement about the loss of a diploma
Copy of ID card
Receipt: Golomt Bank, Citi University / 1102100119 /,
- Re-payment fee with diploma and transcript: 100,000 MNT;
- Fee for retrieving the transcript alone: 50,000 MNT
- Re-issuance of diploma cover: 50,000 MNT
Receipt of materials: Bring the materials to the room 202, Building A.
Delivery time: 5-7 working days
Contact: 89088833
Note: The price was approved by the President of Citi University on …of March 2021.