Citi Schools

Citi University's component schools provide training and research in their specific fields.

The following schools operate within the Citi University. These include:

  • Construction, Architecture and Design School  (Architecture and Interior Design Department, Graphic Design Department, Fashion Design Department)
  • Business School (Management and Accounting Department, Tourism Department)
  • Law School (Public Law Department, Private Law Department and Clinical Training Center)
  • Beauty School (Beauty Department, Nursing Department)
  • Humanities School (Foreign Language and Education Studies Department, Journalism Department)
  • Arts School (Movie Drama Department, Vocal Arts Department, Musical Arts Department, Dancing Arts Department)

School Directors

The director of the schools shall manage the activities of the component school and department in accordance with the vision, mission and strategic plan objectives of “CITI” University.

The school directors have the following main functions. These include:

  • Provide cooperative management of the school and be responsible for its results;
  • Continuous improvement of the quality of component school education;
  • Develop , update the curriculum and syllabus of the school;
  • To determine the discipline of research work of the component school, to organize it, to ensure the integration of training and research work;
  • Develop a school development program and project, submit it to the relevant authorities for approval, and ensure its implementation.

Head of the Department

The Head of the Department manages the activities of the Department in accordance with the vision, mission and strategic plan objectives of “Citi” University.

The head of the department performs the following main functions. These include:

  • Provide cooperative management of the department's activities and be responsible for its results;
  • Continuous improvement of the quality of department training;
  • Develop , update the curriculum and syllabus of the department;
  • To organize the research work of the Department within the scope of the research work of the school and to ensure the integration of training and research work;
  • Develop department development programs and projects, submit them to responsible authorities, and ensure their implementation.