Төрөлжсөн чиглэл: Бизнес ба удирдахуй | Элсэгчдийн боловсрол: Бүрэн дунд |
Хөтөлбөрийн нэр: Менежмент | Суралцах хэлбэр: Өдөр |
Боловсролын зэрэг: Бакалавр | Нийт судлах кредит: 120 |
Эхний жил
Намрын улирал | Кредит |
HDEV-101 Хүний хөгжил, харилцааны ёс зүй, эрх зүй Introduction to design as a conceptual discipline directed at the analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and transformation of the physical environment. Exercises are aimed at developing an understanding of the issues, elements, and processes of environmental design. | 3 |
MLWS-101 Монгол хэл бичиг, найруулга зүй Introduction to freehand drawing as an analytical tool within the design process. | 3 |
ENG-101 Англи хэл - IThis course examines the relationships between building, site, landscape and sustainability through the lens of ecology and systems thinking. Topics include: basic concepts of sustainability, energetic processes, climate, spatial data visualization, global warming, solar geometry, landscape processes, microclimates, site strategies and grading, building footprint & sustainable building metrics. | 3 |
PHTR-101 Биеийн тамир-Эрүүл ахуйThe history of the built environment as social and cultural expression from the earliest to more recent times. Themes, theories, and ideas in architecture and urban design are explored, beginning with the earliest written records. | 3 |
MRK-101 Маркетингийн үндэсThe history of the built environment as social and cultural expression from the earliest to more recent times. Themes, theories, and ideas in architecture and urban design are explored, beginning with the earliest written records. | 3 |
MGT-101 Менежментийн үндэсThe history of the built environment as social and cultural expression from the earliest to more recent times. Themes, theories, and ideas in architecture and urban design are explored, beginning with the earliest written records. | 3 |
Нийт | 18 |
Хаврын улирал | Кредит |
MHCC 102 Монголын түүх, соёл, ёс заншил Continuation of . Covers human, social, technical, and aesthetic factors related to space and form. Design problems range from those of the immediate environment of the individual to that of small social groups. | 3 |
PHIL-102 Сэтгэлгээний түүх, соёлThe understanding of representational and fabrication techniques as generative tools in the design process. | 3 |
PUBS-102 Илтгэх урлагFundamental concepts of structural behavior. Statics and strength of materials. Introduction to and analysis of simple structural systems. | 2 |
ENG-102 Англи хэл IIThe history of the built environment as social and cultural expression from more recent times to the present. Architecture and urban design themes, theories, and ideas are addressed in greater detail leading to the present time. | 3 |
ACCO-102 Нягтлан бодох бүртгэлийн үндэс The history of the built environment as social and cultural expression from more recent times to the present. Architecture and urban design themes, theories, and ideas are addressed in greater detail leading to the present time. | 3 |
MRK-102 Маркетингийн менежментThe history of the built environment as social and cultural expression from more recent times to the present. Architecture and urban design themes, theories, and ideas are addressed in greater detail leading to the present time. | 3 |
STAT- 102 Бизнесийн статистикThe history of the built environment as social and cultural expression from more recent times to the present. Architecture and urban design themes, theories, and ideas are addressed in greater detail leading to the present time. | 3 |
Нийт | 20 |
Хоёр дахь жил
Намрын улирал | Кредит |
BDM-201 Гамшгийн менежментStudents develop an understanding of context and precedent in the construction of architectural form, and are introduced to contextual and programmatic densities in addition to circulatory, spatial, and organizational strategies in the design process. | 3 |
COMP-201 Хэрэглээний программ хангамж /үүлэн технологи/Agendas and approaches to the making and "reading" of space and form in 20th- and 21st-century architecture. The analysis of canonical works and texts, with frequent reference to relevant works prior to the 20th century, and with an emphasis on buildings and drawings as the vehicles of study, with occasional citations from painting, film, literature, and other critical works. | 2 |
BRE-201 Бизнесийн ёс зүйBehavior and design of overall structural systems for buildings. Particular focus on systems used for resisting lateral loads (rigid frames, braced frames and shear walls) and for spanning long distances (trusses and space frames; cables and membranes; and arches, domes, and shells). | 3 |
MFI-201 Мөнгө санхүүгийн онолBuilding construction is examined from the following standpoints: life safety (including fire safety and zoning constraints on site planning); building service systems (plumbing, electrical, vertical transportation, security, fire protection); materials, sustainability, and life-cycle analysis; accessibility; technical documentation and outline specifications. | 3 |
MRR-201 Маркетингийн судалгааBuilding construction is examined from the following standpoints: life safety (including fire safety and zoning constraints on site planning); building service systems (plumbing, electrical, vertical transportation, security, fire protection); materials, sustainability, and life-cycle analysis; accessibility; technical documentation and outline specifications. | 3 |
LANG-201 Гадаад хэл /Солонгос, Япон, Хятад, Франц/Building construction is examined from the following standpoints: life safety (including fire safety and zoning constraints on site planning); building service systems (plumbing, electrical, vertical transportation, security, fire protection); materials, sustainability, and life-cycle analysis; accessibility; technical documentation and outline specifications. | 2 |
Нийт | 19 |
Хаврын улирал | Кредит |
COMP-202 Статистикийн боловсруулалтын программ хангамжIn this Integrative Design Studio, the requirements of building systems are seen to both support and inform architectural concepts and form. One of the key design experiences during this semester will be the interaction of these concepts and building systems. Questions of energy, thermal comfort, sustainability, structure, material, and life safety will be addressed. | 2 |
FMGT-202 Бизнесийн санхүү Concepts and procedures for the design, manufacture, and construction of structural components (e.g., walls, columns, beams, slabs) in steel, concrete, masonry, and timber. | 3 |
ETH-202 Олон улсын харилцаа, дипломат ёс зүйThis course examines the design and analysis of the building envelope, with a focus on the material and energetic transformations taking place at the boundary between architecture and environment. Topics include: comfort, building thermodynamics, envelope assemblies, thermal modeling, active and passive control systems, daylighting and architectural acoustics. | 3 |
EMNT-202 Эвент менежментThis course examines the design and analysis of the building envelope, with a focus on the material and energetic transformations taking place at the boundary between architecture and environment. Topics include: comfort, building thermodynamics, envelope assemblies, thermal modeling, active and passive control systems, daylighting and architectural acoustics. | 3 |
TRT-202 Худалдааны менежментThis course examines the design and analysis of the building envelope, with a focus on the material and energetic transformations taking place at the boundary between architecture and environment. Topics include: comfort, building thermodynamics, envelope assemblies, thermal modeling, active and passive control systems, daylighting and architectural acoustics. | 3 |
LANG -202 Гадаад хэл /Солонгос, Япон, Хятад, Франц/This course examines the design and analysis of the building envelope, with a focus on the material and energetic transformations taking place at the boundary between architecture and environment. Topics include: comfort, building thermodynamics, envelope assemblies, thermal modeling, active and passive control systems, daylighting and architectural acoustics. | 2 |
Нийт | 16 |
Гурав дахь жил
Намрын улирал | Кредит |
MRK-301 Идэвхжүүлэлтийн менежмент Design and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation.Design and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation. | 3 |
OBH-301 Байгууллагын зан төлөвAgendas and approaches to the making and reading of urban conditions and landscape designs. The analysis of canonical works and texts, with emphasis on architecture within and without the city as vehicles of study, and with frequent reference to urban and landscape theories and designs, as well as to representations of the city and garden from other media and disciplines. | 3 |
FMGT -301 Санхүү менежментAgendas and approaches to the making and reading of urban conditions and landscape designs. The analysis of canonical works and texts, with emphasis on architecture within and without the city as vehicles of study, and with frequent reference to urban and landscape theories and designs, as well as to representations of the city and garden from other media and disciplines. | 3 |
BUSP -301 Бизнес төлөвлөлтAgendas and approaches to the making and reading of urban conditions and landscape designs. The analysis of canonical works and texts, with emphasis on architecture within and without the city as vehicles of study, and with frequent reference to urban and landscape theories and designs, as well as to representations of the city and garden from other media and disciplines. | 3 |
ENT-301 Энтрепренершип Agendas and approaches to the making and reading of urban conditions and landscape designs. The analysis of canonical works and texts, with emphasis on architecture within and without the city as vehicles of study, and with frequent reference to urban and landscape theories and designs, as well as to representations of the city and garden from other media and disciplines. | 3 |
IBM-301 Олон улсын бизнесAgendas and approaches to the making and reading of urban conditions and landscape designs. The analysis of canonical works and texts, with emphasis on architecture within and without the city as vehicles of study, and with frequent reference to urban and landscape theories and designs, as well as to representations of the city and garden from other media and disciplines. | 3 |
LANG -202 Гадаад хэл /Солонгос, Япон, Хятад, Франц/This course examines the design and analysis of the building envelope, with a focus on the material and energetic transformations taking place at the boundary between architecture and environment. Topics include: comfort, building thermodynamics, envelope assemblies, thermal modeling, active and passive control systems, daylighting and architectural acoustics. | 2 |
Нийт | 20 |
Хаврын улирал | Кредит |
ITR-302 Олон улсын худалдааDesign and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation.Design and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation. | 3 |
LMGT-302 Логистикийн менежментDesign and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation.Design and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation. | 3 |
FINA-302 Төсөв, төсвийн санхүүжилтDesign and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation.Design and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation. | 3 |
LAW-302 Бизнесийн эрх зүйDesign and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation.Design and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation. | 3 |
MGT-302 Үйлдвэрлэл үйл ажиллагааны менежментDesign and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation.Design and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation. | 3 |
PROF-302 Танилцах дадлага /6 долоо хоног/Design and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation.Design and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation. | 2 |
LANG -302 Гадаад хэл /Солонгос, Япон, Хятад, Франц/Design and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation.Design and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation. | 2 |
Нийт | 19 |
Дөрөв дэх жил
Намрын улирал | Кредит |
BM-401 Брэндийн удирдлагаAdvanced programs in architectural design, with options including, but not limited to, urban design, architectural technology, computational design, ecology, culture, and representation. | 3 |
СMGT-401 Өртгийн менежментExamination of organizational and management theories and practices for delivering professional design services. Includes a historic overview of the profession and a review of the architect's responsibilities from the pre-contract phase through cost estimating and specifications to construction. Application of computer technology in preparing specifications. | 3 |
PMGT-401 Бүтээмжийн ìåíåæìåíòExamination of organizational and management theories and practices for delivering professional design services. Includes a historic overview of the profession and a review of the architect's responsibilities from the pre-contract phase through cost estimating and specifications to construction. Application of computer technology in preparing specifications. | 3 |
INM-401 Олон улсын маркетингExamination of organizational and management theories and practices for delivering professional design services. Includes a historic overview of the profession and a review of the architect's responsibilities from the pre-contract phase through cost estimating and specifications to construction. Application of computer technology in preparing specifications. | 3 |
HRМ-401 Хүний нөөцийн менежмент Examination of organizational and management theories and practices for delivering professional design services. Includes a historic overview of the profession and a review of the architect's responsibilities from the pre-contract phase through cost estimating and specifications to construction. Application of computer technology in preparing specifications. | 3 |
MGT-401 Компаний засаглал Examination of organizational and management theories and practices for delivering professional design services. Includes a historic overview of the profession and a review of the architect's responsibilities from the pre-contract phase through cost estimating and specifications to construction. Application of computer technology in preparing specifications. | 3 |
Нийт | 18 |
Хаврын улирал | Кредит |
PROF-402 Үйлдвэрлэлийн дадлага Advanced programs in architectural design, with options in, but not limited to, urban design, architectural technology, computational design, ecology, culture, and representation. | 5 |
DIP-402 Мэргэжлийн шалгалт -Диплом Advanced programs in architectural design, with options in, but not limited to, urban design, architectural technology, computational design, ecology, culture, and representation. | 2 |
Нийт | 7 |